Online Safety

Do you know the website address you’re being sent to? If not close it down.

  1. Never give out your credit card number or password by email.
  2. When paying online check that you are on a secure payment gateway.
  3. Sending money overseas? Always check it is a legitimate request.

The online world has many roaming predators just waiting to grab your money. Become aware of the tactics of “scammers”. They use many ruses – here are a few:

  1. Do not put any username and password into a link on an e-mail no matter how friendly and attractive the offer may appear to be.
  2. Don’t send photocopies of your ID, Passports and other confidential information unless you a very confident that you know who you are sending to.
  3. Someone trying to pressurise you into a decision? If you feel uneasy listen to that inner voice it is usually right.

Do you have some online safety tips for us that we can pass onto others? We would love to hear from you. E-mail us on We will do our best to put these ideas out there as knowledge is power !!!